Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 19.djvu/424

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Alfriend, Captain E. M., 380. Davis, Jefferson, 303, 305, 335; His character,

Allen, Captain L. W., 283. 406.

Americans as fighters, 386. " D," Company, Eighteenth Virginia ; war roll

Anderson, Colonel Archer, 125. of, 120.

Anderson, General J. R., his gallantry at the Delaware, Fort, Prisoners at, 35,46.

battle of Gaines's Mill, 417. Dillon, Colonel Edward, 198.

Andersonville, Prison, 49. Donelson, Reminiscences of Fort, 372.

Lines on by Rev J. Peterkin, D. D., 188. Drewry's Bluff, Battle of, 100.

Appomattox, C. H., Surrender at, 268. Drummond, Governor of North Carolina, hung,

Association of the Army of Northern Virginia, 132.

action of on the death of Generals A. L. Long

and of W. H. F. Lee. 271. Early, General J. A., 153. 312.

Atkins, Captain W. T., 207. Echoes from Hampton Roads, 246.

Echols, General John, in.

Ballard, Major Thomas E., 266. Edmonds, Hon. Paul, 203.

Battle of Bethel, The, 212, 224. Eikhorn, Battle of, 193.

Bee, General Barnard E.. 90. Ellis, Colonel Thomas H.,57.

Benjamin, J P., Accomplishments of, 384. Ellyson, Henry Keeling, 130.

Bonaparte, Napoleon, 310. Ewell, General R. S., 112, 153.

Boynton, General H. V., 386.

Brackett, General Albert G., 281. Farinholt, Colonel B. F., 52, 201.

Brockenbrough, Dr. John, 327. Farragut, Admiral D G.,74.

Brooke, Captain John M , 3. Fayette Artillery, Richmond, 57.

Brotherhood of the Southern Cross, Order of, Federal Prisoners, Pastimes in, 35 ; statistics of

288. mortality in, 47, 190, 288.

Buchanan, Admiral F., 6, 75. Fisher's Hill ; Incidents of, Battle of, 289.

Burke, Rev Mr , 53. Flournoy, Colonel T. S , 52, 203.

Butler, General B. F., 62. Flowerree, Colonel C. C., 108.

Forts Delaware, 35 ; Gregg, 65 ; Owen, 68 ; Canada, Plan in, to rescue Confederate prison- Morgan, 80.

ers on Johnson's Island, 288. Forrest, Admiral F., 12.

Chancellorsville, Battle of, 323. Forrest, General N. B., 199.

Chapultepec, General W. S. Walker at, 296. Foute, Rev R. C., 246. Chew's Battery, 65. Frazier's Farm, Battle of, 306.

Colby, General L. W., 265. Fredericksburg, Battle of, 259, 262. 310.

Cole, Major R. G., 266. " Free Schools in Colonial Virginia, 138.

Coleman, Colonel Henry Eaton, 52, 203.

Colonial Virginian, The, 125. Gaines's Mill, Battle of, 417.

Confederate Army, The, Its numbers troops Gift, Lt. George W., 95.

furnished to, by States its losses, and con- Gregg, Fort, Artillery defenders of, 65.

trasted with that of Grant in 1865, 253, 399 ; Gregg, General Maxcy, death of, 309.

Feeding of, when paroled, 266. Gordon, General John B., 176.

Confederate, who led a Federal charge, A. 297. Confederate Flag, Return of General Maury's, Hardee, General W. J., 235.

263. Harman, Colonel A W., 318.

Confederate Soldier, Humor of the, 313. Harrison, Captain Dabney Carr, 372.

Confederate Veterans, United; General Gordon's Hartford, The U. S., Naval Ship, 73.

Address to, 175 ; Homes for in the South, 313. Heckman, Capture of General, 107. Confederacy, Last Days of the, 329 ; Prices in Henry, Wm. Wirt, 125.

the, 329 ; Social Life in the, 380 ; Disparity Hill, Lieutenant-General A. P., Reminiscences

of numbers and resources with the North, 413. of, 178 ; First burial of remains of, 183 ; wife, Conrad Dr. D. B., 72, 82, 93. of, 267.

Cooke, General John R., 115 Hill, Senator B. H., 374, 387.

Corinth, Battle of, 195. Hill, General D. H., Report of the Battle of

Craven, Captain T. A. M., 73. Bethel, 232.

Crook, Capture of General George, 186. Hill, G. Powell, 186.

Curry, Dr. J. L. M., 125. Hines, A Howitzer Veteran, " Old," 257.

Home Guard of Richmond, in 1861, 57. Dabney, I). D., Rev. A. L., 376.

Daniel, Hon. John W., 406. Indentured Servants in Virginia, 138.

Darr, Colonel Joseph, 57. Inflexible, The British Iron-Clad, Description

Dctvis House, Jeff., History of, 326. of, 32.