Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 20.djvu/126

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120 Southern Historical Society Papers.

If to the above be added the surgeons of the general hospitals, recruiting and conscript camps, the entire number of medical officers in the Confederate army during the war 1861-1865 did not amount to three thousand.

The Surgeon-General of the United Confederate Veterans has endeavored to construct an accurate roster from his labors in the field and hospital during the war, and from the official roll of the Confederate armies in the field, and thus far he has been able to record the names and rank of near two thousand Confederate sur- geons and assistant-surgeons.

The official list of the paroled officers and men of the Army of Northern Virginia, surrendered by General Robert E. Lee, April 9th, 1865, furnished three hundred and ten surgeons and assistant- surgeons.

The co-operation in this most important work is solicited from every surviving member of the Medical Corps of the Southern Con- federacy.

When perfected, this Roster will be published as a roll of honor and deposited in the archives of the United Confederate Veterans.

The Determination of the Number and Condition of the Surviving Confederate Soldiers who were Disabled by the Wounds and Diseases Received in the Defence of the Rights and Liberties of the Southern States.

To accomplish this important and benevolent work, the following inquries have been addressed to the Governors of the Southern States, namely: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina ; South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia:



NEW ORLEANS, LA., April qth, 1890.

To His Excellency Governor , State of .

The attention of your Excellency is respectfully directed to the fact that in the year 1889 the Association of the United Confederate