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144 Southern Historical Society Papers.

2. There is absolutely nothing to show the number of killed, wounded, or died of disease.

3. There is no roster of the medical staff, but from personal recol- lection the writer can give the following names :

Dr. Thomas M. Palmer, Surgeon Second Florida regiment, from May , 1861, till August, , 1862, when Florida hospital was organized, and he made chief surgeon at Richmond, Virginia. Present address, Monticello, Florida.

Dr. Carey Gamble, surgeon of the First regiment, from April 3, 1861, and afterwards, of the Florida brigade, in the Army of Ten- nessee ; now resides in Baltimore.

Dr. J. D. Godfrey, surgeon Fifth regiment, April, 1862; now resides in Jasper, Florida.

Dr. Thomas P. Gary, surgeon Seventh Florida regiment. Died at Ocala, Florida, 1891.

Dr. Richard P. Daniel, surgeon Eight regiment, May, 1862, till April 9, 1865; now resides in Jacksonville, Florida.

Dr. Hooper, assistant-surgeon Eight regiment ; killed at

Fredericksburg, Virginia, in line of duty, December 12, 1863.

Dr. Theophilus West, assistant-surgeon Eight regiment, from December 12, 1863, till April 9, 1865 ; address, Marianna, Florida.

Dr. R. W. B. Hargis, surgeon First regiment; address, Pensacola, Florida.

Dr. J. H. Randolph, surgeon department of Florida ; present address, Tallahassee, Florida.

Dr. G. E. Hawes, surgeon Second regiment ; present address, Palatka, Florida.

4. Acts passed by Florida Legislature, for aid of Confederate soldiers, see inclosed copies of same.

5. There are no soldiers' homes, hospitals, or other places of refuge for old soldiers in Florida.

6. Have not complete records, and can not furnish copies of such as there are, not being in print.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

D. LANG, Adjutant- General of Florida.

(CHAPTER 3681, NO. 15)

AN ACT to provide an Annuity for Disabled soldiers and Sailors of the State of Florida.