Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 20.djvu/18

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12 Southern Historical Society Papers.

got under way to give aid to their sorely-stricken consorts. By a coincidence, which is the more singular from its repetition, the Min- nesota grounded one and a half miles to eastward of Newport News, the St. Lawrence grounded in rear of the Minnesota, and the Roa- noke further to the eastward still. In this isolation they could give no aid, and only at the close of the day came under fire. Lest it should be thought that I purpose a reflection upon the courage of the officers in command of these stranded vessels, I here take occa- sion to say that their character as officers of skill, experience, and bravery was well established at the time, and suffered no diminution then or thereafter. " To point the moral and adorn the tale," let me use the language of Lieutenant John Taylor Wood upon a like occa- sion : "All officers, as far as possible, should learn to do their own piloting."

The Merrimac having given the coup de grace to the Congress, now, about five P. M., with the Beaufort, Raleigh, and James River fleet, moved down to do battle with the three remaining frigates ashore, and the gunboats. To do this it was necessary to place the Merrimac in the north channel, so that close range might be had. The Minnesota was a sister ship to the Merrimac and drew about as much water. It was therefore hoped that, without danger of put- ting the Merrimac ashore, she could yet get at such close quarters as to compel a surrender within a short period of time. When, however, this was attempted the pilots of the Merrimac declined to take the risk of putting the ship nearer, stating that the condition of the tide and the approach of night made it both difficult and danger- ous. At long range, therefore, the Merrimac and her attendants opened fire on the Minnesota and continued the action until the approach of night.


We withdrew most reluctantly when further victory seemed so nearly in our grasp. Some damage we had done, but by no means commensurate with our wishes. The Minnesota had been struck some fifteen times, her interior was much damaged, partition and bulkheads were knocked down or blown into one by the explosion of our shells. In retiring to our anchorage by the south channel we came within long range of the three frigates and received some broad- sides from them, but without damage, as the distance was too great. The sight was a pretty one, and the St. Lawrence, in particular, at