Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 20.djvu/336

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330 Southern Historical Society Papers.

mand was nearly double that of Forrest, but not equal man to man, for lack of a successful experience, such as Forrest's men had had." And yet they were, as soldiers went in this war, well drilled and com- manded by a regular officer, whereas Forrest's men knew little more of drill than their general, who, his friends alleged, could not at any time have drilled a company.

A small brigade of about seven hundred Kentucky infantry was now handed over to him, but having found horses for these foot soldiers they were thenceforward reckoned as "cavalry." His little army now consisted of two weak divisions, with which, in 1864, he took Union City, attacked Paducah, had a most successful engage- ment at Bolivar, and finally captured Fort Pillow. In these opera- tions he inflicted great loss of men, arms, horses and stores upon his enemy, largely reinforced his own command, and refitted it with captured equipments. Repeated efforts were subsequently made by General Sherman to capture or destroy Forrest's apparently ubiqui- tous force. He several times drew a great cordon of brigades and divisions round him, but all to no purpose ; he defeated some and escaped from others. His hairbreath escapes from capture when thus closely surrounded by numerous bodies of troops, each larger in itself than his whole command, read more like the pages of romance than the history of military events. All through his operations one great secret of his success was his intimate knowledge of the enemy's movements and intentions. His campaigns were made in districts where the inhabitants were heart and soul with him, and it was there- fore much easier for him than for the Federal generals to obtain useful information. His system of reconnoissance was admirable, and, for the reason just given, he could venture to push his scouts out in twos and threes to very great distances from headquarters.

One Federal general was removed from his command at Memphis for having failed to do anything against this now redoubtable com- mander. Shortly after Forrest himself marched into Memphis, and took possession of the newly-appointed Federal general's uniform, which was found in his room. The disgraced general, in vindica- tion of his own conduct, wittily said: " They removed me because I couldn't keep Forrest out of West Tennessee, but my successor couldn't keep him out of his bedroom."*

  • Forrest sent this, uniform back to its owner, who, in his turn, sent For--

rest some gray cloth and gold lace to make into a Confederate uniform.