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Southern Historical Society Papers.

No. 20. Stover, Strasburg, Virginia, Mason Bly, Lebanon, Virginia.

No. 21. J.A. Early, Rocky Mount, Virginia, G.W. Helms.

No. 22. Turner Ashby, Winchester, Virginia, Charles W. McVicar.

No. 23. Magruder-Ewell, Williamsburg, Virginia, T.J. Stubbs.

No. 24. J.E.B. Stuart, Berryville, Clarke county, Virginia, Samuel J.C. Moore.

No. 25. Stonewall Jackson, Staunton, Virginia, Frank B. Berkeley.

No. 26. L. A. Armistead, Boydton, Virginia, Charles Alexander.

No. 27. Louisa, Louisa Courthouse, Virginia, William Kean, Thompson's Cross Roads, Virginia.

A convention of delegates from the camps of the several Southern States assembled in New Orleans, Louisiana, June 10, 1889, and effected a general organization known as the "United Confederate Veterans" the first article of which Association declares:

"The object and purpose of this organization will be strictly social, literary, historical and benevolent.

It will endeavor to unite in a general federation all associations of Confederate veterans, soldiers and sailors, now in existence or hereafter to be formed; to gather authentic data for an impartial history of the war between the States; to preserve the relics or mementos of the same; to cherish the ties of friendship that should exist among the men who have shared common dangers, common sufferings and privations; to care for the disabled and extend a helping hand to the needy; to protect the widow and orphan and to make and preserve the record of the services of every member, and as far as possible, of those of our comrades who have preceded us in eternity."

The last article provides that neither discussion of political or religious subjects nor any political action shall be permitted in the organization, and any association violating that provision shall forfeit its membership. General John B. Gordon, Atlanta, Georgia, was elected the Commanding-General, and General George Moorman, New Orleans, the Adjutant-General and Chief of Staff of the organization, which offices they still hold.

It is believed that department organizations now exist in nearly, if not every Southern State; that of Virginia has been announced as follows: