Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 20.djvu/46

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Southern Historical Society Papers.

C. T. Litchfield, Captain.

G. V. Litchfield. Lieutenant.

H. C. Butt, Wm. Buchanan,

Alexander Buskell, S. D. Black,

John Bryant, James H. Clark,

T. M. Clapp, Thomas W. Colley,

W. L. Colley, L. T. Cosby,

John G. R. Davis, David Debusk,

William L. Dunn, M. V. Edmondson,

F. S. Findlay, Benjamin Gildersleeve,

M. H. Latham, B. D. Ligon,

David Lowry, Lil. Montgomery,

Charles Morrell, R. M. Page,

James H. Page, R. B. Preston,

Thomas Preston, J. C. Rush,

F. S. Robertson, J. A. Rodefer,

John B. Richards, S. D. Sanders,

John L. Smith, Thomas Smith,

W. L. Snodgrass, C. F. Trigg,

Thomas K. Trigg, John C. White.

The survivors were formed in a vacant lot at the East end of Main street, and thence marched in column of fours to a point on Main street in front of the Court-house, where the roll of all who had at any time been members of the company was called by John
G. White, acting orderly sergeant in the absence of P. C. Landrum, who held that office at the close of the war. This was the first roll-call since "the day of Appomattox."

The following is the roll as called, and it is believed to be reasonably accurate, and contains a statement of the men killed and those wounded, those who died during or since the war being marked "dead":

Captain W. E. Jones (afterwards General), killed.

Captain W. W. Blackford, wounded.

Lieutenant Rees B. Edmondson, wounded.

Lieutenant G. V. Litchfield, wounded.

Lieutenant Warren M. Hopkins, dead.

Lieutenant Thomas B. Edmondson, killed.