Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 22.djvu/222

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210 Southern Historical Society Papers.

GODWIN, SAMUEL WINN, Assistant Surgeon. Nov. 30, '63, 48th Tennessee Regiment. Transferred to General Pemberton's Com- mand in Dec., '64.

GOURLEY, A. F. , Assistant Surgeon. Dec. 31, '62, ist Louisiana Cavalry.

GOLDSBY, MILES W. , Assistant Surgeon, appointed by Secretary of War July u,'63, to rank March 24, '63. Reported to Medical- Director Dec. 31, '62, Camp Paroled Prisoners, Chattanooga, Tenn., April 2, '63, ordered to report to General Polk, April 22, '63, or- dered to report to E. A. F. , Medical-Director, April 22, '63, Eufala Battery. March 5, '64, ordered to be dropped from the rolls.

GOODLETT, MILTON, Assistant Surgeon, contract $100 made by General Roddy Dec. 5, '62. March 31, '63, Patterson's Cavalry, Aug. 31, '63, 5th Alabama Cavalry, Feb. 29, '64, 5th Alabama Cavalry.

GOLDSMITH, W. T., Assistant Surgeon. April 14, '63, or- dered to report to Surgeon Stout by Secretary of War. April 30, '63, Fair Ground Hospital, Atlanta, Ga., No. 2.

GOOD, RICHARD RARTENBURG, Surgeon, passed Board at Chatta- nooga. May 8, '63, ordered to report E. A. F., Medical -Director, May 12, '63, ordered to report General J. H. Morgan as Chief Surgeon Division.

GORDON, C. P., Assistant Surgeon, passed Board at Vicksburg April 8, '63. Appointed by Secretary of War July 10, '63, to rank Oct. '62, report to Medical- Director. Sept. 30, '63, to April 30, '64, 34th Georgia Regiment.

GWIN, ROBT. D., Assistant Surgeon (promoted), appointed by Sec- retary of War to rank Aug. 15, '62. Passed Board at Shelby ville May 20, '63. March 17, '63, i3th Tenn., Regiment, March 19, '63, by General Polk. Feb. 29, '64, i3th and I54th Tennessee Regiment. March 31, '64, 4th Alabama Cavalry.

GAGE, JAMES B., Assistant Surgeon. Oct. 31, '63, Depot Hospital, Dec. 31, '63, 39th Georgia, Jan. 16, '64, ordered to report to Sur- geon S. H. Stout, Medical-Director's Hospital for duty.

GULICK, J. W., Surgeon. Passed Board Nov. 22, '62. Dec. 31, '62, 8th Texas Cavalry, Senior Surgeon Wharton's Brigade. Appointed by Secretary of War May 30, '63, to rank Aug. i, '62. Report to General Bragg. April 30, '64, 8th Texas.

GUNTER, J. L., Assistant Surgeon. Assigned by Secretary of War March 21, '63, Fair Ground Hospital, No. i, Atlanta, Ga.