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20 Southern Historical Society Papers.

to Fort DeRussa on Red river, which were put aboard the Queen of the West, after the capture of that vessel. Three guns, with the main body of the battery, were in the siege of Vicksburg, and at the capitulation, July 4, 1863, were surrendered.

The battery was reorganized at Decatur, Ga. , in October, 1863, and ordered to Sweet Water, Tenn., afterwards to Lookout Moun- tain, near Chattanooga. Was in the battle of Missionary Ridge and in the retreat to Dalton, Ga. , November, 1863. Served under Gene- rals Johnston and Hood in the Georgia campaign of 1864. Was with General Hood in his march to Nashville, Tenn., and his dis- astrous retreat to Columbus, Miss. February, 1865, ordered to Mobile, Ala., and afterwards to Meridian, Miss., where, under Gene- ral R. Taylor, May 4, 1865, the battery was surrendered and the men paroled.

The commanders during the war were: Captain Henry B. La- trobe, left service March i, 1863; Captain Fred. O. Claiborne, killed at Vicksburg, June 24, 1863; Captain John B. Rowan, killed at Nashville, December 16, 1864; Captain William L. Ritter.


Surviving Captain Third Maryland Artillery, afterwards Stephens' s Light Artillery.

[From the Richmond, Va., Dispatch, August 5, 1894.]


Who Commanded the 15th Virginia Infantry in the " Desperate Dash."

A Communication from Colonel Morrison, Embracing Extracts from Letters from Other Participants.

In the last volume of the Papers (XXI), pp. 177-188, there was republished from the Richmond Dispatch, of January 2, 1894, an article under the chief caption, "A Desperate Dash."

The Editor has pleasure in now presenting the well-tempered reply as to who was actually commander in this so valorous charge.

To the Editor of the Dispatch :

A controversy having arisen as to who was in command of the