Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 23.djvu/155

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Sketch of /{kliriili/r .lr////ir//.

ramped |d!( iM.ntown ; i.vh, *i* miles to Warrenton ; 141!), twelve miles through Warrenton to Bristou station ; i6th. nine miles to Warrcnton Junction; n;th, eleven miles, crossed \<:\\> pahannock and camped near Culpept T: jist. five miles to present camp [which is referred to in the next roll as Brandy station].

Corporal William M. Willson detailed lor special duty, and in October, 1863, William F. Johnston and \V. N. Rumpass, Jr., wen- promoted a-> cor|)orals. and Privates Henry T. Darnall and William Careen appointed corporals.

Battery remained there (Brandy station, or Stephensburg',) till 3d November, when it marched seven miles, and was on picket duty at Rapidan station, and so remained till yth of November, when it engaged the enemy and lost one man killed [Robert S. Bell]. The 8th, marched through Culpeper Courthouse twenty-one miles; Qth, five miles to Pisgah church; loth, went seven miles on picket duty at Morton's ford; remained there in camp till I4th, when it returned to Pisgah church ; remained there in camp till iSth, when it re- turned to Morton's ; remained till 27th, when it marched twelve miles to Vidiersville; 28th, moved two miles and camped two days; December ist, went into position at Mine run ; 2d, marched toward Germanna ford and returned (sixteen miles); 3d, to Morton's ford, and thence to Pisgah church fifteen miles, and remained there in camp till 2 ist; that day and 22d, marched to Frederick Hall, thirty miles, where it is now, December 31, 1863.


Arthur Robinson died December 23d, from wound received at Fredericksbnrg December 13, 1862.

J. P. Heiskell, discharged November 2, 1863.

Edgar S. Alexander, discharged November 16, 1863.

Henry B. Gibson, transferred November 3d, to Company D, Maryland battalion.

Charles Minor, who joined November 16, 1861, transferred No- vember 3d to Company A, First engineer regiment.

NEAR BARBOURSVILLE, VA., April jo, 1864.

Battery remained at Frederick Hall from December 31, 1863, till February 6, 1864; marched that night and the jth February fifteen miles ; <Sth, went fourteen miles toward Orange Courthouse ; gth, back again toward Frederick Hall seven miles and camped near