Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 23.djvu/159

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Sketch of Rockbridge Artillery.

narrates in his lecture on the last days the Confederacy. A rugged and raided veteran was riding along the street on a horse which, in good times, would have been worth $100 in good money, when a gentleman hailed him and offered him $3,000 for his horse. The rider looked at the bidder rather severely, and replied, "Go to——(Halifax) with your $3,000; I've just paid a fellow $1,000 for currying him."

It is hard to exaggerate the worthlessness of the "currency" during the last six months of the war. But for the fact that the Government supplied "rations" (such as they were), neither patriotism nor pride, nor their love for General Lee, would have kept his handful of devoted followers, within his call from the beginning of 1865 till the surrender at Appomattox in April. As it was, however, this old company maintained its high character for discipline and fidelity and courage to the last, and ninety-six men and officers answered to the final roll-call of the orderly.

The number of survivors has diminished rapidly since the close of the war. Had they been blessed with the favor of the best government the world ever saw, and been encouraged by liberal pension laws, the number of survivors would, no doubt, have been much greater than it is.


The following were the officers of the company present when it surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse April 9, 1865:

Captain: Archibald Graham, Jr.

Lieutenants: Cole Davis, John W. Jordan.

Sergeants: Samuel C. Smith, William L. Strickler, David E. Moore, Norborne S. Henry, and John E. McCauley.

Corporals: A. S. Whitt. William M. Wilson, William V. Johnston, William N. Bumpass, Jr., Henry T. Darnall, William Careen, and Henry Boteler.

The following roster contains the names of all the men who ever served with this company, so far as their names could be ascertained. s explained in the foregoing pages, in March, 1862, a large number of men, perhaps seventy-five, enlisted and were enrolled, but before the next pay-roll was made, many of these, by order of the Secretary of War, were distributed among other commands, and the pay-