Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 24.djvu/179

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wanted to hear .ill the particular*, and listened to the story as it briefly related, shaking his fat sides with laughter at any amusing episode of the escape. As soon as the general was satisfied with our story, lie ordered the quartermaster into his presence, and ordered him to furnish us with blank pay-rolls, and to immediately pay us off in hill of indebtedness. We soon had our pockets full of money, and alter spending the remainder of the day in seeing the sights, and adding to our wardrobes, we boarded a train and were soon with our old comrades again."

[From the Richmond Dispatch, July 12, 1896.]


DANVILLE, VA., June 27, 1896.

To the Editor of the Dispatch :

I enclose you the roll of Company G, 4Qth Virginia Infantry, as of date February 21, 1865, for you to use or not use as you may think best. I was orderly sergeant of the company at the time, and have a copy of the roll. The company was made up of men from Rappahannock county, and as I have lived so remote from the county so long that I have no knowledge as to who are dead, I send it with only two marked dead that I know of.

Yours truly, H. J. MILLER.

Camp Godwin, near Sutherland Depot, Dinwiddie county, Va. Roll Company G, 4<>th Virginia Infantry, February, 21, 1865 :

W. D. Moffett, captain, dead; W. J. Dudley, first lieutenant, dead; C. F. Miller, second lieutenant; M. R. Fristoe, third lieutenant; H. J. Miller, orderly sergeant; Jeffries Corder, first sergeant; D. S. Brown- ing, second sergeant; O. R. Colbert, third sergeant; Henry Spicer, fourth sergeant; S. W. Harris, first corporal; J. R. Harrison, second corporal; Richard H. Browning, third corporal; James R. Byrd, fourth corporal; J. G. Alexander, John Amiss, Porter Berkeley, Samuel Baker, Albert A. Baggerly, Henry Baggerly, R. F. Bywa- ters, William Bishop, Edward Cary, George M. Cary, James H. Carter, Thomas J. Corbin, John W. Corbin, Judson A. Corbin, James H. Compton.W. D. Coleman, John Cooksey, John Deavers, Joseph E. Deavers, A. J. Dawson, William Estes, William Edes,