Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 25.djvu/107

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equally rapid and effective, the successes were attained with a pro- portion of loss to numbers engaged comparatively small. In the whole Valley Campaign his losses did not exceed 2,500 men. His care was not only for numbers but for individuals. It was my habit to tell him after a battle the whole sad story of the losses as they rame under my observation. He always waited for this detailed report, and when I was delayed he would order that he should be waked up when I came in. Presently I shall have occasion to show you how, from time to time, he received such news. His commissaries and quartermasters know how minutely he looked into all the details of their departments. To give only one illustration of his care of his soldiers, I remember in our march to the rear of Pope's army, which we made without any supply train, he called for two of his officers and sent them with a squad of cavalry ahead of his army to tell the people he was coming, and to ask them to send some provisions to his men. The people responded nobly to this appeal, and brought liberal supplies of flour and meat and other things to the troops, and Jackson recognized the fact that these officers and the people had done good service that day.

Had he the personal magnetism that characterizes a great com- mander? Did he arouse the enthusiasm of his men ?

What army ever had more unbounded confidence in its general than did the army of Jackson, and what general ever trusted and depended on his army more than Jackson ?

Jackson knew the value of the Southern volunteer better and sooner (as I believe) than any other of our great leaders. When General Johnston took charge at Harper's Ferry, the general staff went with the command. One day, when the 2d Virginia Regiment, composed of men from my county, marched by, I said to him: "If these men of the 2d Virginia will not fight, you have no troops that will." He expressed the prevalent, but afterward changed opinion of that early day in his reply, saying: " I would not give one com- pany of regulars for the whole regiment." When I returned to Gen- eral Jackson's staff I had occasion to quote to him General Johnston's opinion. "Did he say that," he asked, "and of those splendid men ? ' ' And then he added : ' ' The patriotic volunteer, fighting for country and his rights, makes the most reliable soldier on earth. ' '

Was the confidence returned? When, at sight of him, the battle shout of fighting thousands shook the far heavens, who could doubt its meaning! Did his men love him ? What need of proof or illus-