Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 25.djvu/184

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180 Southern Hi*(ri'<-ftf .SV^/V/// Papers.

county, was Colonel; John A. Gibson, of Rockbridge, Lieutenant- Colonel; B. F. Eakle, of the Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs, Major, and Edward S. Roe, of Orange Courthouse, Surgeon. It was one of the regiments out of four that raided Pennsylvania to enforce the order of levying a tax of. several hundred thousand dollars on the cities and towns of that State, as compensation for the burning of the mills and barns in the Shenandoah Valley by Sheridan in 1863. They burned Chambersburg because the Council of that city refused to pay the levy of $150,000. The regiment sur- rendered at Appomattox in 1865.

[From the New Orleans Picayune, April 25, 1897.]


Colonel loth Louisiana Infantry, C. S. Army.


A massive figure in Louisiana history passed peacefully out of this life, in this city last night, a massive figure in the history of the gigantic struggle between the North and the South.

Colonel Eugene Waggaman died, venerable, and crowned with the honor of one of the greatest records of the late war. If Malvern Hill had had the poet who immortalized the Six Hundred, Colonel Waggaman would not be less known throughout the world to-day than they, and as long as history conserves the names of the brave, his name will make the Louisianian proud.

The Colonel's death was quite sudden. Two days ago he was en- joying better health than usually falls to the lot of a man of seventy years. He was stopping at the home of one of his children, at No. 5340 Pitt street. When his coffee was handed him yesterday morn- ing, before he had gotten out of bed, his head was seen to droop and blood gushed from his mouth. It was soon discovered that he had suffered another stroke of apoplexy, and the physicians said he could not live through the night. Something like six months ago he was stricken, but he had recovered entirely from the effects of the stroke, and up to the time of this seizure he was enjoying good