Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 26.djvu/282

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272 Southern Historical Society Papers.

only man upon whom the Grand Master of Masons of Virginia fever bestowed the honor of conferring the degrees in person at a private residence. This interesting ceremony occured in Dr. Hoge's cham- ber on the evening of November 22d, and was witnessed by a number of distinguished members of the craft. Dr. Hoge had been balloted for as a member of Dove Lodge, and was not, therefore, made a Mason at sight, though Grand-Master R. T. W. Duke, Jr., commu- nicated the degrees and declared him a Mason.

It was through the instrumentality of Worshipful- Master Lockwood that this great Masonic honor was conferred upon this distinguished man. The matter had been under consideration for nearly a year, but the details were not arranged until after the severe accident to Dr. Hoge. As soon as the candidate was strong enough to sit up and receive the degrees, which were, of course, conferred under special dispensation and without the usual form and ceremony, Grand- Master Duke came to Richmond for the purpose, and, accompanied by the officers of Dove Lodge and a few others, repaired to Dr. Hoge's home, where he was made a Mason. Worshipful-Master Lockwood appointed the new member one of the chaplains of the lodge, and Dr. Hoge, who had previously made a beautiful address, expressive of his appreciation of the honor and of his admiration for the institution of whidh he had just become a member, offered the prayer, with which the meeting closed.

The occasion was one of profound interest, and marked an unique epoch in Masonry in Virginia.

Early in the present year Dr. Hoge, with the demands upon his time constantly multiplying and his labor as well as his years increas- ing, began to feel the need of a co-worker in the pastorate, and Rev. Donald Guthrie, as though sent by Providence, came to Richmond on a visit for the benefit of his wife's health, and such mutual attach- ment sprang up as resulted in his becoming co-pastor with Dr. Hoge. Mr. Guthrie is a brilliant young man, an exceptionally logical and eloquent speaker, and has completely won the hearts of the Richmond people. He is a native of Ontario, Canada, and was pastor of Knox church, at Walkerton, for three and a half years before coming South. The weak state of his wife's health made a change of climate neces- sary last winter, and his church gave him three weeks' leave of absence in order that he might come South with Mrs. Guthrie. By chance he met Mr. W. G. Higginbotham, from Richmond, a fellow Canadian, and at his suggestion he decided to come here with the intention of proceeding to other points in the South. He brought letters of in-