Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 26.djvu/319

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beginning of the "compact" and " league" freely rendered yea, unto life itself in behalf of " freedom's sanctuary " and the "Asylum of the oppressed."

And, M> now, is he ready, to fight, with his brethren 1 for all o! notice in Our Nation's prescience glory if that be the proper term.

southerner could fail in the last sad rite to a brother!

The remarks of Comrade Bartlett, of Post 113, G. A. R., arc- appreciated.

There should be hesitancy in fully endorsing all of the " touching eulogy" of Rev. Edward A. Horton.

No concession should be made for misguided feeling and action, in the exemplification of the Confederate soldier.

He felt that he was animated by the purest motives that he fought for guaranteed right, for home and fireside for life itself.

It cannot be questioned, that he accepted the fiat of the conque- ror, with an acquiescense that has proven his resplendant manhood.

He is (and may-be-has been for years) a re-emplanoplied citizen of the United States of America inferior in worth and meed to no other, of whatever section of birth or place of residence.

Whatever may be the propriety of the Rev. Mr. Horton' s appli- cation, in actuality the Ex-Confederate Soldier, "ascends to Heaven " with no stain upon his manhood his soul; in humble submission to Omniptent call in charity and brotherly feeling to all, even to the assumptive, yet, withal, in abiding confidence in the justice of the cause for which he fought with a courage; the sublimity of which has not more impressed in the time and tide of the world's history than the self-sacrifice, which is scarce less touching. ' ' They know not what they do " !

There is no apology to be made!

If the Confederate Soldier yielded to "outrageous fortune" he never dared the impiety to question Omnipotence. Eb.]

Simple services over the remains of John Buck were held in the Bulfinch Place chapel yesterday at noon, says the Boston Herald, of January 3Oth. Although it was only a soldier's funeral, with a flag- draped casket at the altar and a few white-haired veterans in the pews, yet this simple service of tribute from the living to a dead warrior, was unique in the history of military funerals of the State, id full of deepest meaning. For the flag on the hero's casket was not one for which he had