Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 27.djvu/325

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.1^t- number, of citizens living along the line, and have been in the habit of sending an instalment of them on each train. As my command has done nothing contrary to the usages of war, it seems to me that some attempt at le.i^t ought to be made to prevent a repe- tition of such barbarities. During my absence from my command, the enemy captured six of my men near Front Royal. These were immediately hanged by order and in the presence of General Custer. They also hung another lately in Rappahannock. It is my purpose to hang an equal number of Ouster's men whenever I capture them. Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

JOHN S. MOSBY, Lieutenant- Colonel.

(First endorsement.)

Respectfully referred to the Honorable Secretary of War for his information. I do not know how we can prevent the cruel conduct of the enemy toward our citizens. I have directed Colonel Mosby, through his adjutant, to hang an equal number of Ouster's men in retaliation for those executed by him.

(Signed,) R. E. LEE,

General. (Second endorsement.)

November 14, 1864. ADJUTANT GENERAL:

General Lee's instructions are cordially approved. In addition, if our citizens are found exposed on any captured train, signal ven- geance should be taken on all conductors and officers found on it and every male passenger of the enemy's country as prisoners. So instruct.

f. A. SEDDON, Secretary.

November n, 1864. Major- General P. H. SHERIDAN,

Commanding United States Forces in the Valley : GENERAL, Some time in the month of September, during my absence from my command, six of my men who had been captured by your forces were hung and shot in the streets of Front Royal by the order and in the immediate presence of Brigadier-General Custer. Since then another, captured by a Colonel Powell on a plundering expedition into Rappahannock, was also hung. A label affixed to