Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 28.djvu/123

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('mi lilt ti Roll of MttkUnburg Ri) 117

Hamman, George C Third Corporal. Elected Lieutenant. Wounded at Manassas, August 30, 1862, and at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Surrendered at Woodstock. Novrmlx-r, 1863, and im- prisoned at Camp Chase four months. Fort Delaware eight months, and Point Lookout three months.

Kneisley, Lewis C. Fourth Corporal. Wounded May 25, 1862. at Winchester; July i, 1862, at Malvern Hill; August 30, 1862, at Manassas; May 18, 1864, at Spotsylvania. Captured at Woodstock on furlough. January o., 1865, and held at Fort McHenry four months.

Albert, James H. Surrendered at Spotsylvania, May 12, 1864. Prisoner at Old Capitol two weeks. Resides at Alvarado, Texas.

Albert, William H. Wounded May loth and surrendered May 12, 1864, at Spotsylvania. Prisoner thirteen months at Fort Dela- ware.

Allen, John M. Lost sight of after battle of Sharpsburg, Sep- tember 17, 1862.

Anderson, M. Luther Wounded May 3, 1862. at Chancellors- ville, and arm amputated. Died at Woodstock, July 8, 1867.

Allison, Perry J. Wounded at Winchester, June 14, 1863. Sur- rendered May Fort Delaware thirteen months. Was trans- ferred from Company C, roth Virginia Infantry. Resides at Edin- burg, Va.

Allison, John H. Wounded at Cedar Run, August 9, 1^62. Transferred from Company C, xoth Virginia Infantry. Died in Il- linois after the war.

Allison, M. W. Surrendered at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. In prison at Fort Delaware and Point Lookout twenty-one months. Transferred from Company C, roth Virginia Infantry. Was a prac- ticing physician at Hagcrstown, Md., where he died in 1898.

Boyer, William M. Transferred.

Blair, William H. Surrendered near Woodstock, October, 1863. In prison at Camp Chase and Fort Delaware twenty-two months. Died after the war.

Barr, William H. Wounded at Spotsylvania, May 10, 1864. Resides near Saumsville, Va.

Blair, James Dismissed from service and died.

Bauserman, John H. Wounded at Mechanics' Gap, near Rom- ney, June 20, 1861; permanently disabled, and discharged at Fairfax, 1861.