Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 28.djvu/20

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Southern Historical Society Papers.

tenant), Benjamin L. Riddick (dead), J. J. Reeves (dead), J. Royal Robinson (dead), John J. Rawlings (died in prison), John H. W. Robinson (dead), W. J. Steed (died from wounds), William E. Stith, L. A. Scoggin, G. A. Short, B. B. Saunders (dead), E. W. Travis (dead), James A. Traylor (dead), W. T. Thomas, quartermaster (dead), E. R. Turnbull (quartermaster), W. H. Venable (quartermaster), W. A. Vaughan, H. M. Vaiden, lieutenant (dead), B. J. Walker (wounded at Gettysburg), John Wray, John L. Williams, L. Fenton Williams (wounded at Seven Pines, killed at Gettysburg), —— Woodruff, William Young (died in service), H. E. Young, corporal (wounded), William Peebles (died in service), B. A. Stith (wounded).

[From the Richmond, Va., Dispatch, October 21, 1900.]



(Captain Louis Zimmer was an early member of the famous "F" company, of Richmond, which supplied so many officers to the Confederate army from the rank of general, downward. He resided here for many years prior to the war, and was very popular. He has a letter also from Colonel Walter H. Taylor, formerly adjutant-general of the Army of Northern Virginia, confirming his important services to the Southern Confederacy. He was first appointed lieutenant by Governor Letcher, and afterward promoted to captain in the ordnance department.)

Virginia Military Institute, August 22, 1878.

My Dear Sir,—I was very much gratified at the receipt of your letter of the igth. I well remember you, and how your valuable services to the State in the time of her great peril led the Governor and Council to promote you. But for your services at that time we could not have fought the battle of Manassas.

The old Governor is still with us as president of our board.

With kindest regards, I am truly your friend,

Francis H. Smith, Superintendent.

To Mr. Louis Zimmer, Tryon City, N. C.