Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 28.djvu/276

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270 Sou tin- 1- n Historical Society Papers.

then under the command of General T. J. Jackson (Stonewall). When General Joseph E. Johnston took command, Dr. McGuire served under him until July ist, 1861. when General Jackson, having organized the ist Virginia Brigade (the future Stonewall Brigade), requested that Surgeon McGuire might be assigned to him as brigade surgeon, which was done.

Dr. McGuire soon proved that he possessed the requisite qualifi- cations for his position, for besides his personal skill as an operator he possessed equally the essential power of organization and the ability to select competent men to carry out his plans. Never shirk- ing work himself, he demanded the same zeal from his subordinates, and the Medical Department of Jackson's army soon became famous for its promptness and efficiency.

At the first battle of Manassas, July 2 ist, 1861, when General Jackson made the celebrated charge with his brigade which turned the fortune of the day, he raised his left hand above his head to en- courage the troops, and while in this position the middle finger was struck by a ball and broken. He remained upon the field 'till the fight was over, and then wanted to take part in the pursuit, but was peremptorily ordered back to the hospital by the general command- ing. On his way to the rear the wound pained him so much that he stopped at the first hospital he came to, and the surgeon there pro- posed to cut the finger off, but, while the doctor looked for his instruments, and for a moment turned his back, the general silently mounted his horse and rode off to Surgeon McGuire, who was then busily engaged with the wounded. He refused to allow himself to be attended to until " his turn came." By judicious treatment the finger was saved, and in the end the deformity was very trifling. Surgeon McGuire remained as brigade surgeon from July to Octo- ber, when General Jackson took command of the Army of the Valley District, of which McGuire became Medical Director.


The Valley campaign commenced January ist, 1862, and included the battles of McDowell, Winchester, Cross Keys and Port Republic, after which the army joined General Lee during the celebrated Seven Days' fight against General McClellan. After this came the fight at Cedar Run against Pope, followed by the Second Battle of Manassas against Generals Pope and McClellan. During the battle, General Ewell received a wound which caused the amputation of his leg by Dr. McGuire.