Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 28.djvu/295

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Thomas R. R. rbb.

of Barlow's death, and the accounts of the battle are very confused and contradictory. Toombs will resign as Secretary of State to-day and goes immediately into the field as Brigadier-General of Georgia forces. The Troup Artillery has been ordered off to the North West army, but Secretary Walker has promised me to attach them to my legion just as soon as I get into the field.

July 24. I have made the circuit of the city to-day visiting wounded Georgians and answering telegrams from anxious friends. This with my congressional duties and fixing up my legion keep me engaged every hour. Ed. Hull is safe, but poor George Stovall is dead. Gartrell is not hurt, but his son is killed. Prof. Venable was in the fight and was wounded slightly. He was reported dead and had to go home to convince his wife that he was alive.

As the smoke arises from the field of Manassas I feel assured it will be estimated as one of the decisive battles of the world. Either Scott will concentrate an army of 100,000 men and try the issue again or the war will be virtually closed. If they are for another trial we shall defeat them again. The battle of Manassas therefore has secured our independence.

July 24. I have just paid my last sad tribute to the remains of Frank Bartow, and followed them to the cars. * * *

An Englishman named Byng, who was with the Yankees, gives a ludicrous account of the flight of the non-combatants at Manassas. Thurlow Weed's daughter was with the members of Congress on the field with a flag marked " Richmond " which she was to raise over the capitol here. Russell, the correspondent of the London Times, was with Scott's army as a looker on. The crowds from Georgia, South Carolina and Alabama coming in to look after wounded rela- tives is immense. They keep me going all day to get passports for them.

August i. If peace is restored by November as I believe it will be, the year which will have elapsed since Lincoln's election will be the most eventful in the history of America. Troops are coming in every day. I have no idea I will be ordered out of Richmond be- fore September.

August 3. The news of McCullough's victory in Missouri came to-day. If it is not exaggerated I look upon it as the finishing stroke of this war.

Richmond, January 12, 1862. Stephens is openly opposing the administration and trying to build up an opposition party.