Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 28.djvu/319

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I'hi <t'a,i,,n,i in W'ir. :;i:J

44 Long may our land be bright, With freedom's holy light Great God, our King."

These grizzled veterans of the 44 Gray" and the 4 'Blue" stood and sat and chatted of the old days, and sang till the light of morn- ing warned them of the fleeting hours. Then, standing close together, shoulder to shoulder, in a ring, surrounding the Federal, the Con- federates and the Federal sang, Should auld acquaintance be for- got," shook hands in loving friendship, and went their different ways.

These, my brothers, are some of the sacred memories of a 4< Phi Gam in War." Very many scenes like these graced and glorified Southern battlefields during the great war. Such was the spirit that moved and controlled the men, Federals and Confederates alike, who stood on the fighting line and did their duty there. Such was the spirit that animated them as they assembled at Appomattox. Va., April 9, 1865, the veterans of the North silent, expectant, glad in the assured hope that peace was near, gazing with sympathy and profound respect upon their foes the veterans of the South, in torn and ragged battalions, stacking and surrendering their arms, forever folding their battle torn colors, and turning, proud and self-reliant, toward their homes, there to take up the struggle for bread.

Such has been the spirit generous, manly, considerate that has marked the behavior of the worthy veterans of the " Blue " and the 41 Gray" toward each other since the war, and has made and kept them friends, steadfast and sincere. Silenced and detested be the tongue that utters one word to weaken or mar this friendship Born of mutual respect and esteem begun on the battle-field, it has stood the test of years, growing more loving all the time. It is the cement that binds together the granite blocks of our governmental power. It is the hope of this republic. Touch it not.

I protest that the words of Albert D. Shaw, at Atlanta, Ga., July 20, 1900, in referring to the sentiment and belief taught in the South, were uncalled for and unwise. Strange indeed must that man be, who, having espoused a cause, having honestly defended it and bravely fought for it for four years, turns about and says that his cause was wrong. Stranger still, detestable must that Confederate be, who, surrounded by the graves of his comrade; who fought and died at his side for that same cause, turns about and says: "The cause