Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 28.djvu/391

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Alabama Regiment cut to pieces, Wil- liams'. 94.

Alexander, Edgar, 71.

Anderson's Corps complimented, 11.

Appomattox Court house, Wants of the army at. 30; I -ast charge* at, 41, 250; Last man killed at, ~~>-.

April 9th, 1865, Hues by Percy Greg, 878.

Arizona organized by the C. S. Government in I8>-.

Armlstead Brigade transferred, 8

Army Northern Virginia unparalleled, 113.

Artls Avis or Bird of Art, 304.

Attucks, Crtspus, 157.

Barn -burners, Sheridan's, 98.

Bartlett, General William K., 47, 207.

Barton. Jr., Lieut David R., 69.

Beale, General R. L. T., 253.

Beauregard, General P. G. T., 287; at

Drewry's Bluff and Petersburg, 318. Benan, Mrs. W. .1.. :WO. H.-IIIOU, Thomas II., Views of, 163. Bermuda Hundred, XV). Bernard, George 8., 204. " KltigcM on the Rhine," 350. " Birthday of Lee," poem, 238. Black ford. Lieutenant L. Af ., 70. Blakemore, " The Bravest," 49 Bledsoe, Albert Tavlor, 157. Bouldin, Captain E. K., 71, 77, 250. Bowie, Lieut. Walter, how he died, 135. Boyd, Belle, 298.

Boyd, Lieutenant E. Holmes, 69 Branch, Major Thomas, 28. Brander, Major T. A, 4. Broadbent, Captain Wallace, 308. Brockenbrougn. Captain J. Bowyer, 70. Brown's Raid, John, IH/i, 347. Brown, Governor Joseph K , 288 Browne, General William M 298. Brown, Lieutenant William M., 70. Brunswick Guard, Record and Roll of, 8;

Blues, Record of. 281. Bryan, Mrs. Joseph, 383 Burke of North Carolina, Hon. Thomas, 81. Burkholder. N. M., 108. Butler, General B. !'., 319.

Caldwell, W. W , 210. Carpenter's Battery, Record of, 188. Carter, James C., 180 Central Confederacy poposed in 1861, 144. Chambersburg, Burning of, 74. Chamberlayne, Captain J. Hampden, 355. Chancellorsvlllc, Battle of, 148. Chandler, Zacharlab, 190. Charlotte Cavalry, Record and roll of. 71, 77; Rifles, Roll of, 262.

Christian Commission, Federal, 44.

Christian, Judge George L., 169.

Claiborne, Surgeon John Herbert, 18; his dog "Jack, 1 ' 2N

Cobb, General 1 low. 11, 281.

Cobb, Gen. Thomas R. R , Extracts from letters of, February 21, 1881 December. 1882, Career of. 280 .

Cold Harbor, Battle of, 10, 322, 347.

Colston, Colonel R E.. 85.

Cone, Frank, killed, 292

Confederate, flag, history of, 89; disparity of forces of. 108, :1 ; wants, 148; Navy, 125, SOo; Soldier, the. 247; The only Treaty, 255: Veteran, What Is he 7318; Congress in 1861, 281 ; Commissioners to Euro|>c, 284 ; Constitution, 288; songs, 350. 387.

Confederated Southern Memorial Associa- tion, Organization of, 377.

Conrad, if. Tucker, killed. 66.

Crater, Battle of the, 208 ; Sharpshooters of Mahonc's Brigade at, 307.

Crenshaw's Battery, Organization mid record of, 886.

Curtis, General N. M., 314.

Daughters of the Confederacy at N. O., 228. Davidson, Captain Greenlee, killed, 352. Davis General Joseph R , 299 Davis, Mrs Jefferson, Visit to, 315. Devens, General, 43. Dlckson, Mrs. William H , 230 Drewry's Bluff, President Davis as to oper- ations at, 322, 323.

Ellett, Lieutenant Robert, killed, 366. Kllett, Lieutenant James, killed, 349. Ellett. Captain Thomas, 343 Emmett, Thomas, killed, 364. Englehard, Major Joseph A., 8.

Fairfax, Randolph, killed, 70. Ferneyhough, Edward, 314. Flgner, Alfonzo, 344. Flshburne, Lieutenant Clement D., 69. Five Forks. Battle of, 371. Foy, F. R. C. 8., Dr. George, 275. Frederick City, Md . 847. Friedenwall, Dr. Herbert, 81.

Galnes' Mill, Battle of, 94, 95.

Garnett, LL. D , Captain James M.. to. 71.

Garnett, Hon. Thomas 8 , 108.

Garslde, Miss Julia A . 378.

Gettysburg, Battle of, 10, 145, 356.

Giddlngs, Colonel C H., 265.

Goolsby, J. C., 388.

Grady, B. F , 156.

Greeley, Horace, on the Union, 177