Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 28.djvu/58

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.VJ Southern Historieai Society Papers.

him and no means of relief." Until that brave man spoke, I never realized what hunger and cold and hopelessness could bring one to.

I said, " Don't talk so, P . Come, get on your horse, let us go

to General Mahone, and if there is a parole that can be gotten for love or money, you shall have one." We rode rapidly back to Gen- eral Mahone's camp, and searched, but no parole could be found, and slowly and sadly and without salute the captain turned off and rode away.

General Mahone dismounted one of his couriers, put him with Corprew, his commissary, in a wagon which had been allowed him, and mounted me on a rough, rawboned charger, and we left Appo- mattox for, we scarcely knew where, but determined to get to the south of the returning armies and prisoners, who had not been re- leased, and to make for Charlotte Courthouse as the first objective point.

Drs. Smith and Feild, after my experience at General F 's, declined to report to him, and going back to the courthouse, got permission to go immediately to Petersburg, riding on the rail when the trains were running, and walking when the roads were torn up or obstructed. I cannot think that the paroles amounted to anything. We passed a number of Federal troops and no man ever asked to see a parole.

Soon after getting out of the lines at Appomatox Courthouse, Captain Stevens opened his heart and his saddle-bags, and gave me the first piece of bread I had eaten in four days. That was my day's rations. Riding all day, just before sunset, our cavalcade, cold, hungry and tired, came to a beautiful country house, in a noble grove of oaks and surrounded by every evidence of luxury and wealth. Flocks of sheep and lambs, turkeys, chickens, pigs roamed about, just the things to made a soldier's mouth water evincing that no ruthless war had visited that country. A full crib of corn stood right in our way to the house, and we thought what a haven for a tired, hungry Confederate soldier; no doubt we shall find a welcome here and all creature comfort for man and beast.

General Mahone called up Major Johnston and said, "Johnston, ride forward and ask the proprietor to allow us to remain all night. We shall want supper for our party, and corn for our horses, and would like to have two rooms in the mansion, with fires; but we are ready to pay, and in gold, for all we get. Besides, our presence may afford protection from stragglers. ' ' The Major rode off and soon rode back evidently disappointed and discomforted and re-