Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 28.djvu/80

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74 Southern Historical Sodety Papers.

the rear guard pursued that some of it could not cross the bridge over James river before we set it afire, and had to swim the river. Hunter and Crook were thus delayed by McCausland until General Early could be sent to save Lynchburg. As a reward for the gallant conduct of this squadron in that march a month's furlough was given it, and Lynchburg presented McCausland a horse, sword and pair of silver spurs for saving the city. Over and over again did the men and officers display in this long journey of seventy-five or one hun- dred miles the greatest endurance and unflinching bravery. To have been thus kept so long without relief at the post of danger, and where the most important service was to be rendered, was the best evidence of how our services were appreciated. When we returned from this furlough to the army we again advanced down the Valley of Virginia in 1864 in front of General Jubal A. Early, in his raid on Washington city.

Our regiment and some of our company, were in the battle of Monocacy, where General Lew Wallace was routed. The cavalry was very highly commended by General Early for the very gallant manner in which the enemy's flank was turned by it.

On our return from Washington, McCausland with his brigade, and General Bradley Johnson's cavalry brigade, were sent to Cham- bersburg to retaliate for the burning Hunter and others had done in Virginia and the South. Our squadron did not actively participate in the burning of Chambersburg, but was guarding one of the ap- proaches when it was burnt, and constituted McCausland's rearguard when he left there. McCausland captured Old Town, Md. , and after making feints at Cumberland, came to Moorefield. Here the enemy surprised General Johnson, whose brigade was next to the ^nerny, and came in among his men at daybreak. While command- ing the regiment, I ordered our squadron to charge the enemy. It did so in splendid style, and stopped the enemy at that point.

Right at the ford across the South Branch of the Potomac, was the hardest of the fights, one where this squadron lost most in killed and wounded.

It lost heavily in killed, wounded and captured, and myself among the captured. I was taken to Camp Chase, O., and there remained 'til the spring of 1865. I cannot, therefore, give even a slight per- sonal account of the hard fights the company was in until my return to the army. They were many, though, and its services were highly commended by all when I returned.