Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 30.djvu/112

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Southern Historical Society Papers.

war; we say, when these, and other wicked and false charges are brought against us from year to year, and the attempt is systematically made to teach our children that these things are true, and therefore, that we do not deserve their sympathy and respect because of our alleged wicked and unjustifiable course in that war and in bringing it on—then it becomes our duty, not only to ourselves and our children, but to the thousands of brave men and women who gave their lives a 'free-will offering' in defence of the principles for which we fought to vindicate the justice of our cause, and to do this we have to appeal only to the bar of truth and of justice."

Respectfully submitted,

George L. Christian, Chairman.
R. T. Barton, Carter R. Bishop, R. A. Brock,
Rev. B. D. Tucker, John W. Daniel, James Mann,
R. S. B. Smoth, T. H. Edwards, W. H. Hurkamp,
John W. Fulton, M. W. Hazlewood, Micajah Woods
Charles M. Blackford. Thomas Ellett, Secretary.


Gallant, Victorious Charges, Inglorious Retreat and Defeat.

By SAMUEL D. BUCK, Baltimore, Md.,

Captain Company "H," Thirteenth Virginia Infantry (First Colonel: was A. P. Hill), Pegram's Brigade, Early's (Old) Division, Army of Northern Virginia.

Every Southern soldier in the trying days of 1861-'5, desired to do his best, and all attested their heroism. They are all accepted as incomparable in general exemplification, by the world. Comparison of deserts now will avail naught, to the disparagment of another. Officers and privates, every one, had their own opinions in the Southern army, and, freedom in criticism of military movement was constantly used, without ensuing penalty.

No one can appreciate the desperation of this grand movement without closely examining a war map. Having been born and reared almost within gunshot of this now historic battle-field, I can