Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 30.djvu/234

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226 Southern Historical Society Papers,

[From the Southern Practitioner, Nashville, Term., October, 1902.J


General T. J. Jackson (Stonewall) and His Medical Direc- tor, Hunter McGuire, M. D., at Winchester, May, 1862.


Prepared by SAMUEL E. LEWIS, M. D., of Washington, D. C., First

Vice=President of the Association of Medical Officers of the

Army and Navy of the Confederacy.

In the Medical and Surgical Journal of the Confederate States I found, about ten years ago, a long overlooked and almost forgotten incident of the famous Valley campaign, which I deemed of suffi- cient importance to again bring to the light of day, and endeavored to trace the order therein referred to, but unavailingly. Being under the impression that the occurrence and its importance are not gen- erally known this paper has been prepared to be read at the Dallas Reunion of the Association of Medical Officers of the Army and Navy of the Confederacy.

In further preface to the subject matter the writer begs leave to refer to the letter of Herr Hans Zeimer, dated Heiden, Appenzell, Switzerland, January 2, 1902, regarding M. Henri Dunant; and to to glean a few facts relating to the whereabouts and condition of that devoted humanitarian. M. Dunant, born May 8, 1828, Geneva, Switzerland, appears now infirm, venerable, with white hair and beard and benevolent face. He was found in a poor little cabin, a dependency of the pauper farm belonging to the village of Heiden, in which he found a home more than twenty years ago when he had become sick, penniless, and friendless, after having given the prime of his life, health and wealth to the cause of humanity. There he had been cared for entirely at the expense of the village, till in 1896 the Empress of Russia granted a pension which enabled him to de- fray it in part.

Herr Zeimer had called to inform him that the administrators of the Nobel fund for the advancement of scientific and humanitarian