Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 30.djvu/271

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Johnson's Mutt/. 263

but as far as possible the full names have been obtained and are now for the first time made public.

For many years the graves were only marked by rough, wooden headstones cut out and inscriptions carved upon them with jack- knives by comrades of the dead Confederates. Those letters were skilfully engraved and usually gave the name, rank, birth, and date of death, in fact, being the chief authority from which the official list was made up. A short time ago, however, a party of Georgia journalists visited the little cemetery, noted that the wooden head- stones were fast going to decay, and, in order to rescue from oblivion the identity of their soldier dead, the newspapermen, upon their re- turn home, raised by popular subscription in the South enough money to defray the expense of erecting a marble tombstone at the head of each grave. Only a few of the original wooden headboards are now in existence, and these are kept as souvenirs of the love that the sol- diers bore for their dead friends.

The following is the list of graves:

J. E. Cruggs, Colonel Eighty-fifth Virginia.

E. M. Tuggle, Captain Thirty-fifth Georgia Infantry.

A. E. Upchurch, Captain Fifty-fifth North Carolina Infantry. J. P. Peden, Second Lieutenant Hamilton's Battery.

Joel Barnett, Lieutenant-Colonel Ninth Battalion, Louisiana Cav- alry.

William J. Hudson, Lieutenant Second North Carolina Infantry.

D. E. Webb, Captain First Alabama Cavalry.

J. W. Nullins, Lieutenant First Mississippi Infantry.

W. E. Hansen, First Georgia Infantry.

H. D. Stephenson, Captain Fifteenth Arkansas Infantry.

R. D. Copass, Lieutenant Sixth Tennessee Infantry.

J. D. Caraway.

C. B. Jackson, Virginia.

J. Huffstetter, Lieutenant First Battalion Arkansas Infantry. L. B. Williams, Lieutenant Sixty-third North Carolina Infantry. W. P. Harden, Lieutenant North Carolina Infantry. J. M. Dotson, Lieutenant Tenth Tennessee Cavalry.

D. D. Kellar, Private Second Tennessee Cavalry. S. G. Jetter, Alabama Infantry.

C. W. Gillespie, Captain North Carolina Cavalry.

B. Anderson, Private Missouri S. C.

W. W. Veasey, Lieutenant Tenth Kentucky Cavalry. J. W. Gregory, Captain Ninth Virginia Infantry.