Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 30.djvu/317

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The Carn/Hii'/H "ml Jinfffe of Lyin-hl>nr<i. 309

of distinguished usefulness, he died, beloved and respected in his adopted as well as his native State.

The last incident shows the spirit of the boys. But the old men on that day were boys also. Mr. Mike O'Connell was over eighty years of age. He went out with the Silver Grays. His company was placed on the inner line, but with his long rifle he marched out to the skirmish line and kept up a constant fire on the enemy all day, though himself under a heavy fire.

The writer of this sketch was, he regrets to say, in another part of the Army of Northern Virginia at this time, and therefore can. give nothing from his own experience. He was, however, in con- stant correspondence with his wife, who wrote him very full accounts of all that happened. Unfortunately all her letters on this subject, but one, have been lost ; one extract from that may be worth insert- ing. It is dated Tuesday, June 21, 1864:

" I received three letters from you, for all of which you must ac- cept my thanks. It was amusing to me in reading those of the iyth and igth to see how little idea you had of the stirring times through which we were passing at Lynchburg.

"On Monday, the i3th, we begun to fear that Hunter would make Lynchburg his point of attack, but it was not a definite fear until we heard of his being in Lexington, and that he was turning this way. On Thursday, the i6th, we heard of his being at Liberty, marching in this direction, and then all was excitement and apprehension.

"General Breckinridge, with some troops, got here on Wed- nesday night, and as we saw them passing out West street, it was a most reassuring sight, and never were a lot of bronzed and dirty looking veterans, many of them barefooted, more heartily welcomed. The streets were lined with women, waving their handkerchiefs and cheering them on as they moved out to a line on the hills west of the city, ^e were made more hopeful, also, by the knowledge that General Early, with several brigades, was at Charlottesville, en route to reinforce the small command of Breckinridge. He arrived with some of his troops on the evening of Friday, the iyth, but could do little more than get what he had into position. On Saturday, the i8th, more of Early's men came, and it was a delightful sound to hear their cheers as they passed out to the lines. Eugene was among them, and seemed to delight in the chance of making a fight right at home.

" Saturday, the i8th, was a day we will not soon forget. There