Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 30.djvu/359

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Boll and Roster of Pelham's Battery. 351

Arnold, Frank.

Baber, ist.

Baber, 2d.

Balch, William.

Beall, Lloyd. Reputed Captain Battery M, Fourth Artillery, U.

S. Regular Army. Bennett, L. Orrick. Bennett, William V. Bollman, J. M., No. 7. Wounded at Union, Va., November 2,

1862, by the explosion of a caisson. Boyd, Hamilton. Died near Orange C. H., Va. Branch, Charles. Brown, James F. Bulger, John. Bunch. Burgess.

Burke, Hugh. Wounded at Funkstown, Md. Byron. Killed; place not known. Cahill, Martin. Chapman. Clatterbuck. Coit. Connor.

Conroy, Dennis. Orderly for Major Pelham. Covington, William. Mortally wounded near Winchester, Va. Culbreth, John, No. 8. Wounded at Union, Va., November 2,

1862, by the explosion of a caisson. Dillon, Anthony. Wounded. Dodson, Town. Promoted to Sergeant-Major Battalion Stuart

Horse Artillery. Dorsey, John. Captured; confined in Fort Delaware; escaped;

returned to his command; got a furlough, and instead of

taking it, went with the command and was killed near War-

renton, Va. Dumne, James. Dusenberry, John. Elam.

Epperly, ist. Epperly, 2d. Evans, Benton. Killed in the Shenandoah Valley.