Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 30.djvu/47

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Graduates of Military Academy at West Point. 39


BRAXTON BRAGG. 895. Born North Carolina. Appointed North Carolina. 5

General, April 12, 1862. Commanding Corps. Army of Mis- sissippi; then commanding Army of the West; then Army of Ten- nessee; on February 24, 1864, assigned to duty at seat of government, to direct military operations of all the armies of the Confederacy.

WILLIAM W. MACKALL. 898. Born District of Columbia. Appointed Maryland. 8.

Brigadier-General, March 6, 1862. Chief of staff, Department of West (General A. S. Johnston); in 1863 commanding Western Division, Department of the Gulf; in 1864 Chief of staff, Army of Tennessee.


903. Born Virginia. Appointed Virginia. 13.

Colonel, 1 86 1. Commanding Twelfth Alabama Infantry; killed at Seven Pines (Fair Oaks), May 31, 1862.


908. Born Virginia. Appointed Virginia. 18. Lieutenant-General, May 31, 1864. Commanding Second Corps,

Army of Northern Virginia, May, 1864; then from June, 1864, to March, 1865, commanding Department of the Valley.


909. Born Pennsylvania. Appointed Pennsylvania. 19. No trace. (Cullum says he was in Confederate States Army.)

JOHN C. PEMBERTON. 917. Born Pennsylvania. Appointed Pennsylvania. 27.

Lieutenant-General. October 10, 1862. Commanding Depart- ment of Mississippi and East Louisiana. Resigned May 18, 1864. On resigning May, 1864, Pemberton went back to his rank (lieuten- ant-colonel of artillery) in the regular Confederate States army, and was put in charge of heavy artillery around Richmond.

ARTHUR M. RUTLEDGE. 922. Born Tennessee. Appointed Tennessee. 32.

Major, August 27, 1862. Chief of ordnance, Polk' s Corps, Army of Mississippi.