Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 31.djvu/159

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Sketch of M<ijor-General Patrick R. Cleburne. 151

last-named bill made its first appearance. It is a very handsome one; in fact one of the handsomest of all issues. On the left is the great seal of the Confederacy, which was a statue of Washington, being the one in the Capitol Square at Richmond, this being encir- cled by a belt bearing the words: "Deo Vindice," while below are various implements of war; to the right a very artistic portrait of Stonewall Jackson, with his name below. This plate was engraved in England. The backs of these bills are in bright blue, with en- gine turned designs and large letters and figures of value.

It is noticeable that while the first issue of bills at Montgomery gives simply a promise to pay within twelve months after date, the second and the third issues are payable six months after the ratifica- tion of a treaty of peace with the United States, while the two last issues are made payable two years after the ratification of such a treaty.

[From the New Orleans Picayune, July 12-19, 1903.]


By General W. J. HARDEE.

The following sketch of General Cleburne was written by General Hardee in May, 1867, and published at that time.

In view of the fact that General Cleburne was one of the most distinguished major-generals in the Confederate army, and also be- cause of his tragic death, the article will be greatly appreciated now. It is as follows:

The sketch is necessarily imperfect, from the want of official re- cords. Most of these were lost or destroyed by the casualties at- tending the close of the war, and those still in existence are difficult of access. Of Cleburne's early life little is known. The record of his service in the Southern armies belongs to the yet unwritten his- tory of the "Lost Cause." In better dayr>, when the passions and prejudices engendered by civil strife shall have disappeared, and his- tory brings in a dispassionate verdict, the name of Cleburne will ap- pear high in the list of patriots and warriors. Until then, his best record is in the hearts of his adopted country.