Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 31.djvu/182

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174 Southern Historical Society Papers.

New Market boys, seventy in number, occupied seats of honor in front of the rostrum. On their right were seated alumni of every class save New Market; to the left were thirty members of Garland- Rodes Camp of Confederate Veterans, Lynchburg, under Dr. C. B. Fleet, all in uniforms.

When those old New Market boys came marching into the hall, with their old commander, General Scott Shipp, at their head, there was a demonstration of applause that threatened to takeoff the roof. Men and women arose to their feet, and cheering, stamping and waving of handerchiefs evidenced the enthusiasm, of the assemblage.


The old boys had formed in the quadrangle, and it would hardly be an exaggeration to say that the wild cheering which greeted Gen- eral Shipp when he walked through the sally-port and advanced across the green to the head of the column was followed by half the men in ranks rushing forward to seize the hand of their old com- mander, and nearly all of them ended by throwing their arms around him.

The shot-torn flag which the battalion carried at New Market was the decoration of the rostrum. There was a great deal of bunting displayed over the speakers' chairs, and there were great masses of flowers banked on the front of the stage, but I had not observed any of these until my attention was called to them, so busy was I gazing at the old New Market ensign. But there was a profusion of stars and stripes on the walls behind the speakers.

Mr. Joseph R. Anderson, class '70, president of the Alumni Asso- ciation, called the meeting to order and introduced Rev. Charles C. Randolph, of Fincastle, a New Market man, who made an impres- sive prayer.

Mr. Armistead C. Gordon, of Staunton, a cadet of some class since New Market, then read in most effective manner his beautiful ode.

There was prolonged applause at the conclusion of the reading of the ode, and the band played " In the Sweet Bye and Bye."


The oration of Dr. J. N. Upshur, of Richmond, followed the read- ing of Mr. Gordon's ode. Dr. Upshur' s address, of less than an hour in length, was cheered every time a pause occurred long enough