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178 Southern Historical Society Papers.

the banquet included some of the best-known men in this country. To-morrow is commencement day proper. Great regret is felt here that Governor Montague will not be here. Lieutenant-Governor Willard is representing hini in a thoroughly satisfactory way. He and many of the alumni of Richmond arrived on a special train this morning. Mr. Willard received at General Shipp's this afternoon. And this brings me to the social features of the reunion. Every- body has open house this week. To those who knew Lexington, despite John Wise's "Presbyterian Lexington," will convey a pic- ture of the warmest hospitality. The laymen cannot criticise the sham battle. It was a fine spectacle to see the battalion in action on the parade ground and the hillside in front of the barracks. When it was ended and the shades of night were falling as the sun sank behind House Mountain, the New Market battalion formed and marched to the western end ot the grounds, where lie the men who fell at New Market. There each one laid a flower on the grave of each of the boys who sleep in the soil of Lexington. It was a fitting end of the day's ceremonies.


The Board of Visitors announced to-day the following appoint- ments to State cadetships: J. M. Smith, Pocahontas; C. G. Paul, Harrisonburg; L. W. Sydnor, Staunton; J. R. Taylor, Fredericks- burg; M. Campbell, Amherst; H. E. McCreedy, Roanoke; J. P. Wilkinson, Nebletts Van, Lunenburg county; W. P. Tate, Pulaski; R. C. Barrett, SmitLfield; G. M. Harrison, Fredericksburg; H. F. Carr, Newport News; H. A. Tabb, Gloucester county. Cadets at large Irving Boaz, Albemarle; T. H. Roseter, Norfolk; W. A. Dunlap, Roanoke; Julian Major, Mitchells.


Dr. J. N. Upshur, of Richmond, who was himself a member of the Boys' Battalion, and took part in the New Market fight, made a most eloquent address on the battle. He depicted the heroism of the cadets who fought and those who died for their country, and urged those whom he addressed to take an inspiration from the monument which they dedicated to their memory. Dr. Upshur said: