Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 31.djvu/208

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200 Southern Historical Society Papers.

eral, for his promptness and readiness in carrying my orders to any part of the field." ( War Records, Vol. XXV, Part I, p. 987.)

Perhaps the most conspicuous services rendered by Captain Hal- sey during the war were those at the battle of Gettysburg, that great decisive conflict of the war, where so many won immortal fame. On the first day of the battle, when the 2d and 3d Army Corps, under Generals Ewell and A. P. Hill, so splendidly attacked and routed the enemy, Iverson's Brigade, with which he was still serving, while taking part in the attack of Rodes' Division, had become demoral- ized and was in danger of being driven back, when it was rallied and led forward by Captain Halsey, in what must have been a most effective and brilliant charge. The accounts in the official reports, slightly differing as to the details, clearly show that Rodes' Division bore the brunt of the fighting and was mainly responsible for the victory of that occasion, and unanimously agree that the conduct of Captain Halsey was chivalrous to the highest degree, and that the services rendered by him in rallying the disordered brigade of Iverson were most opportune and valuable. Lieutenant-General R. S. Ewell, who commanded the second army Corps at Gettysburg, explains this movement by saying that on the ist of July, General Rodes had drawn up his division for the attack, with Iverson's- Brigade on the right, Rodes' old Brigade under Colonel O'Neal in the center, and General Doles on the left, with Generals Daniel and Ramseur in reserve, about two hundred yards in the rear of Iverson. In the forward movement O'Neal, who was advancing in a direction different from that indicated in General Rodes order, was soon forced to fall back, and thus the left of Iverson's Brigade became exposed to the fire of the enemy, but gallantly stood its ground until the greater part of three regiments had fallen. At this critical juncture General Iverson made the unfortunate mistake of sending word to General Rodes that one of his regiments had raised the white flag, and of changing his own advance so as to uncover the whole of Daniel's front, with the result that Daniel was compelled to order the advance of his whole brigade, which, supported by General Ramseur, he did with great success, sweeping the field and taking several hundred prisoners. "About the time of the final charge," says General Ewell, " Ramseur with his own and Rodes' Brigades, and remnants of Iverson's, under Captain D. P. Halsey, assistant adjutant-general of the brigade (who rallied the brigade and assumed command), had restored the line in the center."

In mentioning those who distinguished themselves at Gettysburg,