Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 31.djvu/313

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The Battle of Shiloh. 305

and posted every battery they could find in a thick wood with a ra- vine in front. On dashed Ruggles and a part of Folk's Corps, with a fury and vim which could not be withstood, and the Yankees broke again, leaving twelve pieces of artillery on the field.

Hurlbut, who was camped in the rear, apprised of the trouble by the incessant roar of musketry and artillery, sent a brigade to sup- port Sherman, and went with his two other brigades to help Prentiss. Prentiss' Division, however, had broken into fragments, which passed through Hurlbut' s line in disorder. The victorious Confed- erates, led by General James R. Qfcalmers, with his brigade of Mis- sissippians and Jackson's Brigade, speedily assailed Hurlbut with such vehemence that he was swept back like leaves before the wind. By this time the whole front of the Federal encampment was in pos- session of the Confederates. Everywhere, on every hand, could be seen supplies, baggage, and equipage. No Oriental army was ever encumbered by a more luxurious and abundant supply.

In the meantime, Cheatham's and Clark's Divisions of Polk's Corps were strenuously engaged on the left, where Sherman had gone to try and redeem his losses in the morning. He was driven from every position and sent toward the river, until, reaching a lot of ravines with timber-covered banks, he poured a desolating fire into the noble ranks of the Confederates. But, resuming the onset with great spirit, the Confederates drove their enemy nearer the river.

W. H. L. Wallace, with his Donelson soldiers, now came into action, and his men fought with desperation. The enemy by this time had been driven to within a mile of Pittsburg Landing, where they massed what remained of their artillery and infantry.

In the meantime, owing to the nature of the country, the ravines and creeks, interlaced with underbrush, and the broad scope of country, the Confederates had become greatly scattered and disor- dered. Brigades had become separated. Regiments had been dis- located, and troops from all three corps were mingling together. Notwithstanding the great victory, there was a lack of order and harmony, and, although confident of the final issue, there was no effort to push on. Numerous colonels and brigade commanders, who had led with distinguished courage, who had stimulated their men by their example, were separated from their divisions, uncertain what was best to do.

General Johnston, however, was actively at work getting the line in order, and, beaming with pride over the marvelous success of his