Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 31.djvu/60

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62 Southern Historical Society Papers.

of the war, when Colonel Sidney Johnston retired to the south of the Tennessee river, Isham G. Harris, Governor of Tennessee, ac- companied him, taking at the same time the coin from the vaults of the State Bank of Tennessee, at Nashville. This coin, in the imme- diate charge of a bonded officer of the bank, had occasioned much solicitude to the Governor in his many wanderings. He appealed to me to assist in the restoration of the coin to the bank. At my request General Canby detailed an officer and escort, and the money reached the bank intact. This is the Governor Harris who was af- terwards elected to the United States Senate.


The condition of the people of Alabama and Mississippi was at this time deplorable. The waste of war had stripped large areas of the necessaries of life. In view of this I suggested to General Canby that his tioops, sent to the interior, should be limited to the number required for the preservation of order, and be stationed at points where supplies were more abundant. That trade would soon be es- tablished between soldiers and people furnishing the latter with currency, of which they were destitute and friendly relations pro- moted.

These suggestions were adopted, and a day or two thereafter, at Meridian, a note was received from General Canby, inclosing copies of orders to Generals Granger and Steele, commanding army corps, by which it appeared these officers were directed to call on me for, and conform to, advice relative to the movement of their troops. Strange, indeed, must such confidence appear to statesmen of the "bloody-shirt" persuasion.

In due time Federal staff officers reached my camp. The men were paroled and sent home. Public property was turned over and receipted for, and this as orderly and gently as in time of peace be- tween officers of the same service.

What years of discord, bitterness, injustice and loss would not our country have been spared had the wounds of war healed " by first intentions," under the tender ministration of the hands that fought the battles ?

But the task was allotted to ambitious partisans, most of whom had not heard the sound of a gun.

As of old, the lion and the bear fight openly and sturdily; the stealthy fox carries off the prize.