Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 32.djvu/20

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8 Southern Historical Society Papers.

The inexorable law of heredity will quicken this study. Though gen- erations of Virginians have been on the inquiry as to where they came from, giving little attention as to where they may be going. The members of Stuart's cavalry grow weary when you speak of the Gettysburg campaign, during the long days and sleepless nights that attended our long march, in rear of the Federal army, on to Carlisle, Pennsylvania, and back to Gettysburg, where we fought on the 3rd of July. Colonel Munford commanded Fitz Lee's brigade, after Hampton was wounded, and Fitz Lee was given the division. On the 3rd of July all of this brigade, save the 4th Virginia was engaged ; the opposing forces being commanded by Gregg and Custer. The former reports a loss of 295, and the lat- ter, 502, which clearly indicates the magnitude of the fight. Time will fail to tell of the Bristoe campaign, the fights at Jack's shop and James City, the Buckland races, and Kilpatrick's raid. As I men- tion the names the old cavalrymen of Wickham's brigade will recall many a scene indelibly fixed in their memory, as well as the noble bearing of the soldier whose portrait is added this night to the splendid array of heroes surrounding these walls. During the win- ter of 1863-64 while our army was in Culpeper county and the cav- alry guarding all the fords of the Rappahannock, Colonel Munford, Colonel W. R. Carter (who fell at Trevillian's), Captain Fox, of Gloucester and Captain Hammond of the 2nd regiment and myself, served on a court-martial^ occupying the same hotel with Colonel Munford, and often consulting him upon trying and distressing cases that came before us, I learned to know and love the man, and there began a friendship that lasted throughout the war, and has contin- ued to this day. Many of us were anxious to see Colonel Munford promoted. When I guardedly referred to this no word of com- plaint fell from his lips. Only the good of the service and an ar- dent desire to contribute all in his power to this end seemed to move him.

The Wilderness campaign opened in May, 1864, and our de- liberations at Orange Courthouse were ended by a summons from headquarters to join our respective commands. I can never forget a prophetic remark of Rev. J. C. Hiden at Orange. As we mounted our horses he said ; " I hear the guns now. The next thing I expect to learn will be that you gentlemen are killed." In a few days we saw Captain Fox, and Hammond than whom I never knew more gallant men fall near the glorious Stuart at Yel- low Tavern. At Trevillian's the noble-hearted Carter fell, leading