Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 33.djvu/192

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188 Southern Historical Society Papers.

SEALS, STAMPS AND CURRENCY For the Confederate States Made by Julius B. Baumgarten.

[In a special article from the Washington correspondent of the New York Sun dated June, 1905, on the "Seal Maker for the Con- federacy" it was stated that Herman Baumgarten, whose death had been announced, was the man who made all the seals for the Con- federacy.

The article was extensively copied by the press, and elicited the correction, that it was an elder brother of the deceased, who rend- ered the valuable service, Julius B. Baumgarten, who, "hale and hearty at the age of three-score and ten," was still living in Washington, D. C., where he is engaged in business, and that he also made the first Confederate notes issued in Richmond, Virginia. This work was done at what was then No. 161 Main street.

In the spring of 1861, at the solicitation of Senator Judah P. Benjamin, he joined fortunes with the Confederacy. His interest- ing statement follows: [EDITOR.]

"I first went to Montgomery, Ala., which was then the seat of Government," said Mr. Baumgarten. "I was armed with letters of introduction to Alexander H. Stephens, who immediately offered me a good salary, which I declined, agreeing to do all the work engraving at a price to be set by myself. My offer was accepted and I at once set to work engraving the great seal.

"While at Montgomery I practically completed engraving all the seals for the several departments of the government. I secured the services of two experienced engravers from New Orleans, but after working two weeks and earning $800 each they threw up their jobs and left. I had only worked six weeks when I sent for my wife and child, and I was able to put $2,200 in my wife's hands when she reached me.

"When the seat of government was moved from Montgomery to Richmond I accompanied the officials, traveling on the special train. Immediately after reaching Richmond I set about establish- ing a plant, and soon had quite a shop. After finishing the seal I set about preparing to make designs for stamps and money on wood