Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 34.djvu/110

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102 Southern Historical Society Papers.

23rd. Disturbed by rumor and report of the movement of troops, and the evacuation of Petersburg. It is supposed that these troops are going in the direction of Burkeville or Danville.

24th. Received orders today to hold ourselves in readiness to move at a moment's warning.

25th. Expecting to receive orders to move. Rodes' (now Grymes' ") Division, was taken from our front today and carried to the right. General Pickett extended his lines so as to cover our front, in addi- tion to his former front.

26-28th. No orders to move as yet. This is owing to the rainy weather, which has prevailed during this time, I suppose.

March i-8th. All quiet. Unprecedented bad weather prevailing. Sheridan is out on another raid, but this rain will doubtless defeat some of his plans. T. E. and S. B. A returned today. Paid news- boy up to yth, inclusive Pickett' s division removed from the line.

8-1 5th. No excitement prevailing ; rumors very numerous. Sheridan still riding on a raid. Early whipped and his army scat- tered. Beautiful weather prevailing, but the roads are still very bad.

i6-22nd. All quiet; most strangely beautiful weather (for this season of the year). Roads in very good condition. The question is being asked daily, Why does Grant delay ? The opinion is now very general that he is waiting for the development of the campaign of Messrs Sherman, Thomas and Hancock, whose columns are nearly ready to make the co-operating moves which Ulysses deems necessary for the capture of Richmond.

23rd. No change. Election day for members of the Legislature passed off quietly.

24~29th. Still quiet. New York Herald of the 2yth received here today, states that President Lincoln has gone to City Point for the purpose of conferring with General Grant and increasing his powers so that he may be authorized to offer terms of capitulation ! ! ! to General Lee and his army when they surrender, which is expected in a very short time. What fools the Yankees are.

3Oth. Quite a heavy fight occurred in front of Petersburg last night, commencing at 10 o'clock and concluding about 11:30 o'clock. The artillery and musketry were quite loud upon the occasion. Have not heard the result as yet.

3ist. All quiet; firing last night found to proceed from an attack made by the enemy upon General Gordon's line in retalia- tion, I suppose, for his foray upon them a few nights since.