Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 35.djvu/24

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Southern Historical Society Papers.

so sprang up and went with him. This brought me close to the Plank Road.

We now observed with feelings of considerable relief one gun of Sturdivant's battery approaching to our assistance. It took position to the right of the Plank Road, and it was with much satisfaction we saw its shells exploding in the midst of the enemy. In order to barricade the roadway more effectually, a number of rails taken from a fence just outside the lines had been placed in and across a wagon drawn across the road at the opening through the works. Through the gap thus made by the dismantling of the fence some of the enemy's cavalry had ridden at the first attack. One man, wounded by our fire, was unable to control his horse, which sprang forward over the ditch into our midst. Lieutenant George V. Scott ordered him, with vehement language, several times to stop and surrender, which the poor fellow, who was shot through both arms, was too helpless to do. At length he was brought to. Doubtless this was the dark horse which Wales Hurt was leading when I met him, as before related.

In order to prevent the recurrence of this break, Young Archer with a few volunteers went out and patched up the dismantled fence as well as they could. This was done in full view and easy range of the enemy. The enemy having thrown out a line of sharphooters in our front, where they had ample protection behind the bushes and fences, kept our men busily employed. With one or more of these, Professor Godfrey Staubley (who was one of the few who had a rifle), who was stationed a few feet from me beside the wagon barricading the roadway, kept up a kind of duel until he received his death wound.

We very shortly noticed the enemy running out to overlap us on our left. It is well known, and has been well described, what the results of this movement were; how our men at the Rives' salient had to stand a murderous fire upon them on their flank and rear, while facing the enemy in front. It proved a "bloody angle" for those devoted men who held that position. Mr. John E. Friend was among the first to fall. He had behaved with great coolness and bravery, he was shot dead by a man stationed behind a tree in Rives' yard.