Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 35.djvu/277

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7he Eleventh Kentucky Cavalry.

without a check, until the Federal right wing was forced back upon their own left wing.

General Morgan, in his official report on the battle says: "Colonel Chenault led on his men with the most determined bravery, encouraging them by voice and example." Colonel Joseph T. Tucker used to say that General Morgan promised to have Colonel Chenault made a brigadier-general for his services in the battle of Hartsville; and no doubt he intended to do so. But Morgan himself was at that time (December 9, 1862) still only a colonel acting as brigadier commander.

General Basil W. Duke, in his "History of Morgan's Cavalry," says: "The most valuable capture (at Hartsville) was of boots and shoes, for some of the cavalrymen, especially of Cluke's and Chenault's Regiments, had no other covering for their feet than rags.

Soon after this battle, and on account of it, Morgan received his long delayed commission as brigadier-general; and, on December 18, 1862, his forces were organized into two brigades, which he commanded as acting major-general. The nth Kentucky Cavalry was assigned to the 2nd Brigade, which was commanded by Colonel W. C. P. Breckinridge, of the 9th Kentucky Cavalry, as acting brigadier-general.

On December 22, General Morgan started on what is known as his "Christmas Raid" into Kentucky the greatest of all his numerous forays into the enemy's country, except the one known as the "Ohio Raid." Starting from his camp at Alexandria, Tenn., he marched as far as Shepherdsville, Ky , before beginning his retreat, fighting nearly every day. He destroyed the L.& N. Railroad from Munfordsville to within eighteen miles of Louisville, rendering-it impassible for at least two months; captured 1,8/7 prisoners, including 62 commissioned officers; killed and wounded a large number of Union troops, and destroyed more than $2,000,000 worth of United States property. His own loss on the raid was two killed, twenty-four wounded and sixty-four missing. His command was back in Tennessee, in camp at Smithville, on January 5, 1863, having spent just two weeks on the raid. He and his men received a vote of thanks from the Confederate Congress for their brilliant services on this raid.