Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 35.djvu/388

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Lee, General Fitzhugh.

Address on, 132

His services to the Jamestown Exposition, 134

In Cuba. 137

Lee Gen. R. E.

His war horse Traveller, 99

Did not offer sword to Grant, 59

To the rear, 368

Lee Gen. Stephen D., 25

His tribute to Parker's Boys, 106

Logan, Gen. Thomas M., 57

McCabe, Capt. W. Gordon, 125

McClay. Corporal John, killed, 278

McNeilPs Rangers roll of, 323

McNeill, Capt. J. C., 3D

McCreary. Col. James B., 278

Malvern Hill Reminiscences of 125

Manassas, First Battle of, 33

Second Battle of, 194

Manassas to Frazier's Farm, ?66

Maury, Commodore, M. F., 371

Maury, Col. R. L., 371

Memminger, Secretary C. G., 201

Memorial Day, The first Confederate 369

Mississippi Troops in Virginia, 1861-5 58

Morgan's Raid through Ohio and Indiana, 110;

in Kentucky 263;

Horses Impressed, 118

Moore J. Stannton, 121

Morris Island Prisoners Fired on, 275


As Slaves The Loyalty of 23, 52 63, 64, 69

Monument to, at Fort Mill S. C.. 67

Their Memorial Window to Jackson 97

With Gen. Morgan, 120

Proposed to be Freed and made Soldiers, 181

New Market Battle of 155

Cadets killed at, 231

O'Keefe, Chaplain Matthew, 176

Yellow Fever Hero 177

Defied Gen. Butler 182

Olds, F. A., 322

Parham Ensign J. T. 348

Parker's Battery Capt. W. W., 103

Gen. S. D. Lee's regard for 103

Pegram Gen. W. R. J., 57

Payne, J. U.; His sacrifices for the Southern Cause, 127

Payne, Gen. Wm. H., 134

Petersburg Defence of, in June, 1864, 1

Tablet to the Killed, 12

Polignac C. J.; His Mission to France in 1865 3-26

Prison Pens at Point Lookout 19

Quisenberry, Adam Chenault, 259

Ramsay, C. S. Navy, Lieut. J. F.. 242

Ridley, Capt. killed, 43

Rives, Timothy, captured, 14; battle on his farm 9

Roberts Rear Admiral E C. 174

Secession, The Right of, 166

Sharpsburg Battle of 142, 196;

mortality of 22nd Virginia at, 348

Shenandoah, C. S. Steamer 235;

officers of, 242

vessels captured by, 245

the flag of, 2,58.

Sherman's, Gen. W. T. "War is hell" 3C5

Shiloh, The Battle of 204;

relative Confederate and Federal losses in, 225

commentaries on causes of defeat 226

Shipp, Gen. Scott, 231

Sims Frederick Wilmer, 166

Smythe Gerald, of England, his Admiration

of the Southern Cause, 125

Stewart, Co. J. Wm. H., 235

Stuart, Gen. J. E B., killed, 143

Sturdivant's Battery, Major N. A , 10

Talcott, Col. T. M R., 25

Tucker. Col. Joseph T., 277

Valentine, Sculptor, E. V., 97

Virginia Cavalry:

Roll of Co. A 7th Regiment, 335

Roll of Co E 18th Regiment, 161

Roll of McNeil's Rangers 323

Virginia Infantry:

Roll of Co. E 19th Regiment 312

Roll of Co. G, 24th Regiment 352

Roll of Co I 15th Regiment 363

Roll of Co. A, 49th Regiment, 298

Vicksburg, Siege of, 47;

Confederate States dead in Cemetery at, 53

Walker, Gen James A., 83

Walker Major John Stewart 123

Wallace Gen. H. H L.. 310

Warren Blues, Roll of, 298

Warwick, Lieut. A. D , 347

Wells Edward L., 183

Whittle C. S. Navy, Capt. W. C., 235

Yellow Fever Hero M. O'Keefe 178

Yellow Tavern, Engagement at, 143

Young, Hon. J. P., 304