Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 35.djvu/43

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Botetourt Battery.


In Vicksburg National Park, November 23, 1907

With the Ceremonies Incident, including the Graphic Historical Address of Miss MARY JOHNSTON.

A bronze tablet in honor of the Botetourt Artillery, which served through the siege of Vicksburg, was dedicated in the Vicksburg National Military Park, November 23, 1907. It was the first Confederate dedication since the establishment of the park. Virginia had but one command at the battle-field in 1863.

There are now only 16 surviving members of the Botetourt Artillery, and several of them were present.

The ceremony was held at night, in the First Baptist Church, and despite inclement weather the edifice was filled.

The audience was called to order by Mr. John T. Anderson, son of the first commander of the battery, who introduced Governor James K. Vardaman, who delivered the address of welcome. Mr. Anderson followed tendering the tablet to the United States Government, and it was received by Captain Wm. T. Rigby, Chairman of the Vicksburg Park Commission.

The tablet bears the following inscription:

"Virginia Botetourt Artillery, Stevenson's Division,
Army of Vicksburg.
Captain John W. Johnston,
Lieutenant Francis G. Obenchain."

It is located on Confederate Avenue, on Virginia Circle, near Stout's Bayou Bridge, and is erected on a granite pedestal.

The touching story of the battery graphically given by Miss Mary Johnston, the distinguished authoress, daughter of the second commander of the battery, was made by General Stephen D. Lee—Miss Johnston and Mr. Anderson had been warmly welcomed at Hotel Carroll the preceding day, the 22nd, by Vicks-