Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 35.djvu/95

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The Career of Stonewall Jackson.

on him, but did "give them the bayonet," checked the onward tide of McDowell's victory, and held his position until Kirby Smith and Early came up on the flank. "Jeb" Stuart made a successful cavalry charge, Johnston and Beauregard had time to hurry up other troops, and a great Confederate victory was snatched from impending disaster.

The name which the gallant Bee, about to yield up his noble life, gave Jackson that day, clung to him ever afterwards, and he will be known in history not by the name Thomas Jonathan Jackson, which his parents gave him, but as "Stonewall" Jackson. And yet the name was a misnomer. "Thunderbolt," "Tornado" or "Cyclone" would be more appropriate to Jackson's character as a soldier.

I cannot, within the proper limits of this paper, give even an outline of Jackson's subsequent career as a soldier that would be to sketch the history of the Army of Northern Virginia, while he remained in it. But I propose rather to give and illustrate several salient points in his character as a soldier.

First, I notice Jackson's rapidity of movement.

N. B. Forrest, "the wizard of the saddle," when asked the secret of his wonderful success, replied: "I am there first with most men." Stonewall Jackson always got there first, and while his force was always inferior in numbers to the enemy, he not infrequently had "the most men" at the point of contact.

When General Banks reported that Jackson was "in full retreat up the Valley," started a column to join McClellan east of the Blue Ridge, and was on his own way to report at Washington, Jackson (on a mistaken report of the number left in the Valley) suddenly wheeled, made a rapid march and struck at Kernstown a blow, which, while the only defeat he ever sustained, brought back the column which was crossing the mountains, and disarranged McClellan's plan of campaign.

He then moved up the Valley, took a strong position in Swift Run Gap, and after Ewell's Division joined him, he left Ewell to watch Banks, made a rapid march to unite with Edward Johnson, and sent (May the 9th) his famous dispatch: "God blessed our arms with victory at McDowell yesterday." Ordering Ewell to join him at Luray, he pushed down the Valley, drove in Bank's flank at Front Royal, cut his retreating column