Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 36.djvu/376

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Southern Historical Society Papers.

From the Richmond Dispatch, February 25, 1901.


L. O. Branch Camp, N. 515, U. C. V.,

Raleigh, N. C, February 20, 1901.

To the Editor of the Dispatch:

The enclosed is a printed list of Company B, Twelfth Regiment, Virginia Infantry. I have been trying for several years to secure a complete list of my old company. Since I had the enclosed list printed I learn that I have left out two or three names, and with the hope of securing these, I respectfully ask the insertion of enclosed in the Confederate column of your Sunday edition.

During General Longstreet's raid upon Suffolk, in 1863, a recruit was sent to the company—he was a character—and his name is forgotten. The boys dubbed him "Jamaica Ginger." I would like to secure his name.

If any reader of the Dispatch knows the name of any one who was a member of the company during the war, and which does not appear in this list, a great favor will be done if it be mailed to me on a postal card.

It is my intention to have the list reprinted, and I purpose mailing a copy to each member now living, or to his family, if the address can be had.

J. C. Birdsong,
213 east Hargett street,
Raleigh, N. C.

[The Editor would be glad to have, at this late day, the desiderata.]

List of officers and privates who volunteered in Petersburg "A. Grays," Fourth Virginia Battalion, afterwards Company B, Twelfth Virginia Regiment, Mahone's Brigade, A. P. Hill's C corps: