to see. It is in charge of a competent caretaker, who is there from 8 A. M., until 5 P. M., and always willing to show visitors the gun-room and its equipment. The battery has full uniforms and equipment of the latest pattern for all of its officers and men, and is prepared to take the field at the shortest notice.
Portsmouth can well afford to be proud of Battery "C," and her younger citizens are always eager to fill its ranks whenever a vacancy occurs, for being a member of this organization means something to a young man which he will carry proudly with him through life.
The city and its citizens are proud that they have for their own, the oldest artillery organization in the State of Virginia, which maintains and will always maintain a record which the city of Portsmouth can hold up with pride to the world.
The present officers of the battery are: Captain, Harry H. Brinkley; first lieutenants, J. Lewis Thomas and Lewis W. Thoman; second lieutenants, J. Warren Thompson and I. Lindsay Leafe.
The present storage facilities are by far too small for its needs, and some effort will be made to at least double the size of the gun-room. The members say it would be a paying investment for the city to help this organization by doubling the size of its gun shed.