Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 38.djvu/127

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Restoration of Name of Jefferson Davis.

"At the present time it is not usual to place the names of public officials upon structures erected by the engineer department. If it is decided to have any names inscribed on 'Cabin John Bridge' there are many Presidents, Secretaries of War, chief engineers and assistant engineers whose names it might be claimed should be among those selected."

[Should read "Confederated Southern Memorial Association" wherever printed "Daughters of Confederacy."]


Washington, D. C, March 9, 1909.

Mrs. W. J. Behan,

President Confederated Southern Memorial Association, New Orleans, La.:

Dear Madam,—I am in receipt of your favor of the 27th ultimo, and assure you that I am very much elated at the order of President Roosevelt. He has done his duty, and is entitled to the credit. I feel confident that I could have passed my bill through Congress, but as it was results we were after rather than anything else, I am extremely glad to have the matter settled in so satisfactory a way.

Very truly yours,

C. C. Carlin.

Department of Archives and History.
Thomas M. Owen. L.L. D., Director.

Montgomery, March 10, 1909.

My Dear Mrs. Behan:

I wish to most heartily felicitate you and the Confederated Southern Memorial Association on the success of your agitation to secure the restoration of the name of Jefferson Davis to the tablet on "Cabin John Bridge." All Confederate organizations must rejoice in this act of simple justice on the part of the Fede-