Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 38.djvu/139

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Restoration of Name of Jefferson Davis.

being made in the work of restoring the name of Jefferson Davis on "Cabin John Bridge," has been referred to this office for reply.

I have to advise that the work was completed on the 19th inst.

Very respectfully,

Jno. J. Morrow,
Major, Corps of Engineers.

[This circular letter to each member of the "Cabin John Bridge" Committee, relieving them from further duty.]

New Orleans, La., May 21, 1909.

Mrs. ——————

The members of "Cabin John Bridge" Committee are congratulated on the success of their patriotic efforts to have the name of Jefferson Davis restored to its former place on the tablet on "Cabin John Bridge," Washington, D. C.

The restoration is now completed, and the "Cabin John Bridge" Committee is thanked and relieved from further duty.

Mrs. W. J. Behan,
President Confederated Southern Memorial Association.
Chairman "Cabin John Bridge."

[Extract from letter from Mr. J. B. Horne, of Moss Point,
Miss., who re-carved the name, Jefferson Davis, on
"Cabin John Bridge."]

Washington, D. C., May 24, 1909.

Mrs. W. J. Behan:

Dear Madam,—Your kind letter of the 19th came to hand to-day. I received a splendid letter to-day from Mrs. Hayes, which I shall hold very dear. It was a surprise to me, and contained a nice present, which came in good time. The pieces of stone that I sent you are from around the space where Jefferson Davis' name was erased. You will notice that the edge is dressed, showing the depth of the panel. I could not get off a very large piece, as it was so hard. I have a large piece that came from between the A and R in the word War, as Secretary