Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 38.djvu/157

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Restoration of Name of Jefferson Davis.

This courteous, most considerate, and remarkably wise course toward the C. S. M. A., chosen by Mr. Carlin, gave us renewed confidence in final success.

In January and February, 1909, I wrote, asking the cooperation of our Virginia Governor, our two United States Senators, and our Congressional Representatives. On receipt of their replies I mailed copies of same to Mrs. Behan, who expressed deep gratitude to Virginia. I herein give copy of our Governor's letter, with list of the Virginia officials who replied.

List of Virginia Officials Heard From.

Senior Senator (U. S.) John W. Daniel.
Representatives (Congressional):

Third District—John Lamb.
Fifth District—E. W. Saunders.
Sixth District—Carter Glass.
Seventh District—James Hay.
Eighth District—C. C. Carlin.
Ninth District—Bascom Slemp.
Tenth District—H. D. Flood.

Not Heard From.

Junior Senator Thomas S. Martin.
First District—W. A. Jones.
Second District—H. D. Maynard.
Fourth District—F. R. Lassiter.

Doubtless in the rush of congressional duties, these latter gentlemen overlooked my letters.

Governor's Office.

Richmond, Va., January 15, 1909.

Mrs. J. Enders Robinson,

113 South Third Street, Richmond, Va.:

My Dear Madam,—I am in receipt of your letter with enclos-